Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day

Recycle your scraps of paper, ribbon or maybe emptied food jars to create a unique gift, that is reusing items you have on hand. Unfortunately, I don't have a project that I have done this with recently to show you, but check back soon and I hope to have one completed.
I told you I have done some stamping, and this is what you get, a week's worth of ideas and projects! I hope you enjoy them, and I have been busy finishing up a few more in spare time (and I don't really have much of that lately).

Here is a quick gift card holder I made for Mother's day. Using Chocolate Chip Pocket Notes and Pun Fun, I quickly colored in using my markers for a personal touch. I have a few more ideas floating around in my head, so keep a look out for more Mother Day creations.

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